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When to Call an Auto Glass Repair Expert

The Top Causes of Windshield Repair

Windshields on cars, trucks, and other vehicles are designed to protect the occupants from the elements and debris. Unfortunately, windshields don’t always remain in perfect condition – a variety of external factors can cause damage that requires repair or even replacement. Knowing the leading causes of auto glass repair can help you take steps to avoid damage and keep your windshield in good shape.

Debris from the Road

Small rocks, pebbles, and other debris kicked up from the road can cause chips or cracks in a windshield if they hit with enough force. To reduce this risk, be mindful when driving on gravel roads or other rough surfaces, and make sure you’re driving at a safe speed.

Temperature Extremes

Harsh weather conditions like extreme heat or cold can cause windshields to develop cracks or chips. In cold temperatures, the glass can become brittle and susceptible to breakage; in hot temperatures, thermal stress can put pressure on the glass and cause it to expand.

Branches and Other Objects

If you drive under an overhanging tree branch or other low-hanging objects, it can damage your windshield if it’s not high enough for your vehicle to pass through safely. Make sure you look up before driving any time you’re passing under an object.


If your vehicle is in an accident, you may need to get the windshield repaired or replaced even if there are no visible signs of damage. Even minor collisions can cause unseen structural damage that could put your safety at risk if left unchecked.

Poor Installation

If your windshield is installed incorrectly, it can make it more vulnerable to damage from outside sources. Make sure that any time you need a replacement or repair, the job is done by a qualified professional who knows how to properly install and secure the glass.

Make sure that you get your damaged windshield fixed by experts in Douglasville, GA. One of the experts you can rely on for quality auto glass repair services is Pride Auto Glass. Know more about how I can help you by calling (678) 280-7015 now!

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