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Know When It’s Time for a Car Windshield Replacement

Signs You Need to Replace Your Windshield

Your car’s windshield is an important part of its overall safety structure. In the event of a crash, it helps protect you from wind and debris while also allowing your airbags to deploy correctly. As such, it’s important that you regularly inspect your car’s windshield for signs that it needs replacing. From minor cracks to chips and dings, here are some signs that you need a car windshield replacement:


If you notice any long or deep cracks on the windshield, it’s time for a replacement. These can interfere with your visibility while driving, as well as weaken the structural integrity of your windshield. If the crack is small, you may be able to repair it with an auto glass repair kit. But if the damage is too extensive, then a full replacement is necessary.

Chips and Dings

Small chips or dings on your windshield can seem minor but can develop into bigger issues if not taken care of. While you can repair small chips and dings, it’s best to replace the glass if the damage is too large. This will ensure that your windshield is up to safety standards and won’t interfere with your visibility while driving.


If you notice a leak around the windshield, then it’s time for a replacement. This is usually caused by poor installation or damage to the seal around the windshield. If left unaddressed, this can cause further damage to your vehicle and lead to costly repairs.


If you notice discoloration on your windshield, it could be a sign that the seal has been breached and there is moisture seeping into your vehicle. This can lead to other issues such as mold growth and corrosion, so it’s important to get this fixed right away.


Just like anything else, windshields can eventually become too old and need to be replaced. Most windshields are designed to last between 10 and 15 years, so if yours is older than that then it’s probably time for a replacement.

To replace it properly and efficiently, you need the help of a windshield replacement expert in Douglasville, GA. If you are looking for a reliable car windshield replacement technician, know that you can always count on Pride Auto Glass. For more information, call (678) 280-7015 today.

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