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Auto Glass Repair Tips for Quarter Glass

How to Repair a Quarter Glass of a Car?

If you have a car, then it is necessary to check out the quarter glass every now and then. This is because they can easily get damaged. So, if your quarter glass gets cracked or broken due to an accident or something else, then you should fix it as soon as possible. Here are some auto glass repair tips that you can consider to repair your car’s quarter glass:

Inspect the damaged glass parts.

When you are repairing a quarter glass, it is important to inspect the damaged parts. The first thing to check is your car’s specifications and then follow it with an inspection of the gasket. If there are any cracks in it, replace it immediately as this can cause water leakage into your car’s engine compartment which might lead to serious damage or even death of your vehicle.

You can remove the glass using a few tools.

When you’re repairing your window, it’s important to remember that the glass is going to be removed from the car. Using a few tools, you can easily remove it. Use a screwdriver for removing the side and rear windows. You will need this tool for both sides of your car so make sure you have one in each hand before starting work on either side of your vehicle.

Make sure you have the right size for replacements.

Make sure that you are replacing it with the same type of glass and size. If your original glass was a two-panel window, then use a two-panel replacement. If the original one was three panels and you have only one now, then go for a three-paneled replacement. This is because if it’s not in line with the other windows on your car, chances are good that some parts won’t fit properly anymore!

If you need repairs for your car’s quarter glass here in Douglasville, GA, you may contact Pride Auto Glass for professional auto glass repair services. Call me at (678) 280-7015 today!

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